How does Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Work?

More information on the MFA option for your wallet


Multi-Factor Authentication can be activated to increase the security of your Cirus Wallet beyond just your email/password combination.


*NOTE:  Once Multi-Factor Authentication is activated, it cannot be undone and will remain in effect for your wallet / account permanently.


Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication creates a "Mnemonic Phrase" or 24-word "secret phrase" for your wallet, which encodes part of your wallet's private key.

This method makes the keys to your wallet self-custodial to you.


Your secret phrase will be required at login if you install the Cirus Wallet on a different device, or a separate browser instance (i.e. different logged in user). After entering your username and password, you will be prompted to enter your secret phrase. 


The secret phrase can also be displayed for manual backup at your discretion. It can be found in the Multi-Factor Authentication menu in the wallet Settings, once MFA has been enabled.

This method increases security, because If your password is ever compromised or lost, your wallet cannot be accessed from another device without the secret phrase.


**We highly recommend you save a copy of your secret phrase in case you lose access to your device. It will be the ONLY way to regain access to your wallet**




Fine Print:

Once MFA is enabled for your account, your secret phrase is required for login if:
 - You delete, then reinstall the wallet on the same device.
 - You install the wallet on a different device.

Your secret phrase It is not required to unlock the extension when it is manually or automatically* locked.


*Your wallet will automatically lock after being closed or inactive for certain period of time, requiring your password to gain access. This is not a 'manual log-out', and your Secret Phrase will not be required to gain entry.